A Protein Shake A Day May Be The Key To Your Gains

Trying to build muscle while not eating enough protein and calories would be like trying to build a house without sufficient construction materials. It can’t be done!

When someone is struggling with their protein intake, we often recommend they drink a daily protein shake.

With that recommendation comes skepticism –

Isn't a protein shake every day… bad? Is it safe? 

Let's talk through these very legitimate concerns!

COMMON QUESTION #1: “Is it safe to drink protein?”

  • Yes, high quality protein from a reputable brand is safe. But how do you pick a high quality protein? My recommendation is to buy whatever is on sale at a store like Costco or Sam’s Club. Those stores vet their suppliers and they endeavor to carry quality products. They’re also priced well.

  • Another option: search this website for brands that are third party tested for purity.

COMMON QUESTION #2: “Don’t I want to get all of my protein from food?”

  • First off, yes it is ideal to get most of our protein from whole foods. What I recommend is to drink one protein shake a day of 20+ grams. 20+ grams will be a minority percentage of a person’s total protein goal (exact percentage depending on the person).

  • Also, protein powder is a form of food! Look at the ingredients; whey protein comes from milk. Some plant proteins are soy, hemp, and pea protein, which again are foods. When you drink a protein shake, you are consuming food - just in a different form. 

If you struggle to consume enough protein, I thoroughly recommend adding a high quality protein shake to your diet. It’s both safe and convenient!


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