Giving Love to your Backside

Most of the largest and strongest muscles are located on the backside of the body (also known as the posterior chain).

  • The largest muscle in our lower body is the glutes.

  • The largest muscle in the upper body is the latissimus dorsi (your lats).

  • Triceps are bigger than the biceps.

  • The majority of the calf muscles are located on the back side of the leg.

  • Our erector spinae (back) muscles support and protect our spine (pretty important!).

  • 3/4 rotator cuff muscles are located on the backside of the shoulder blade.

  • The hamstrings are on the backside of our legs and are some of the strongest (and most injured) muscles in our body…

  • Etc.

That a lot of power located on the backside of the body.

If your goal is to get stronger, build muscle, and do it all while reducing your chances for injury, you should spend time training the posterior chain.

A general rule of thumb from many strength and conditioning coaches is to pull twice as much as you press in your training.

Think of this more as a principle and rather than an exact ratio that has to be followed; the principle being that you should pull more than you press.

If you are looking for specific recommended exercises that build up your posterior chain, you’re in luck. Here are my favorites:

Deadlift (all variations, RDLs, trap bar, sumo, jefferson, staggered stance deadlifts, etc.)

Hip Thrust (for the glutes!)

Pull Up and Chin Up (and if you can’t do either of these yet, start with Negatives)

Bent Over Row

Single Arm Bent Row

Back Extension

Banded Hamstring Curls

Now go forth and build a big and strong posterior chain!


Don’t hurt your back! How to do Russian Twists safely.


There’s Magic in Repetition