Training Intent Matters

Training intent is the most important aspect of your training program.

It is so important that the intent of your training matters more than the content of your training itself.

For example, say I have two clients that follow the exact same 5x5 front squat program.

- Athlete A’s intent is to compete in local CrossFit competitions

- Athlete B’s intent is to exercise because they know it’s good for them (which is a fantastic and underrated goal)

At the end of the program, even though it was the exact same for both clients, Athlete A would get stronger, build more muscle, and make more measurable progress when compared to Athlete B.

Because Athlete A's intent demanded that they get more results – It demanded that they trained with more intensity, that they didn't skip any sets of accessory work, and that they ate well and slept enough in order to recover from their training.

That doesn't mean that Athlete B doesn't also get stronger; progress may just be less dramatic.

If you want to know what you can expect to get out of your training, answer the following questions:

Why do you train?

What is your intent?

Answer those questions and realistic expectations and results will follow.


Getting Stronger without Ego


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