Creatine & Other Supplements

There are a ton of supplements out there, many of which make miraculous claims when it comes to muscle and strength gain – but there are very few supplements that are actually proven to work and are backed up by research and results. 

What do you think is the safest, most effective, and most well researched supplement available for boosting strength and increasing muscle gains?

The answer: CREATINE.

There is no other supplement that is close to creatine when it comes to actual results backed up by research. 

How does it work? 

Creatine improves strength and power output during resistance exercise and it does so by creating more energy for muscle cells to use when you are exercising, which therefore increases your power output and strength, which leads to increases in muscle mass. 

Is it safe?

Creatine is extremely safe. It can lead to GI issues if too much is taken at once, but you would have to take A LOT of creatine for that to be a problem. If you take it as directed, it’s incredibly safe and beneficial.

How do I take it?

Take 0.03 g of creatine per kg of bodyweight per day. For most people, this translates to 3-5 grams of creatine a day.

What type of creatine should I take?

Plain creatine monohydrate is safe, affordable, readily available, and mixes easily into water or juice. If anybody tries to sell you a “better” version of creatine for more money, they don’t actually have too much data to back that claim up.

The world of supplements can be overwhelming and confusing, but looking deeper into outrageous claims can help us be more informed consumers.

Note: At Mezzo, we don’t push any supplements or supplement brands; just evidence-based information.


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