Strict Pull Ups & Your Aesthetic Goals

Most people know that exercise is important for overall health and longevity, but getting past the vague and general concept of “exercise is good and I should do it” and into the phase of establishing concrete goals is hard to do. 

For example, when many people start to workout they want to build muscle, be leaner, and look like they spend some time at the gym, but aesthetic goals like that are vague and always moving, and our inability to reach a goal like “just look better” can be very discouraging. 

Whenever I start coaching a client who is new to training, I like to give them some concrete performance goals to work towards in order to help them move past these vague aesthetic goals.

One of my favorite and most simple goals to give clients is this: be able to do a bodyweight pull up. 

Being able to do a bodyweight pull up probably means that:

an individual is fairly strong for their body weight,

they have some muscle,

and they are somewhat lean. 

There are lots of examples in the gym of how reaching different performance goals will lead to the aesthetic changes that most people want, and I want you to hold on to two takeaways here:

  1. Aesthetic goals are vague and will likely leave you disappointed and discouraged

  2. Performance goals give you concrete feedback on your progress, and are often an even better route to your desired body composition.

We recently introduced our Benchmark Goals, knowing that Mezzo is built to provide you with everything you need to work towards these performance markers:

  • A structured program

  • An app to track progress

  • Exercise demo videos

  • Access to coaching feedback

  • Community Support

  • Nutrition resources

  • Scales for advanced exercises like pull ups, pistols, handstands against wall, toes to bar etc.


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