Paid Programming or Free Instagram Workouts?

A question you may have had before:

“Why would I pay for a training program? There is free fitness advice available all over the internet.”

I want to share two reasons with you today:

First, most reputable online programs are created by somebody with credentials, formal education, and thousands of hours of experience. Because of that experience, the programming will produce more results than someone throwing together free workouts from Instagram.

Think about computer programming.

If I wanted to code and create an app, I could theoretically find all of the info that I need to do that online. For free.

But how much time would I need to invest in order to learn how to code well enough to build an app that actually works?

And, more importantly, how well would that app work in comparison to an app created by an actual professional with years of experience?

Programming effective strength and conditioning routines is a skill, just like creating an app is a skill!

Anybody can take some free info and jam it together to make a program, but will it work? Will the exercises an amateur puts together actually produce results…

or, are they more likely to put together the equivalent of a janky app that crashes and has bugs and doesn’t do what it's supposed to do?

Second, taking on the responsibility of creating your own exercise program can be yet another barrier that can keep you from getting to the gym.

There are already a lot of barriers in life that can keep you from getting movement in consistently.

Not having a good program available at your fingertips can be another major barrier to consistent training and actually spending time at the gym training (which is what produces results!).

Think about this example:

It’s almost 5 o'clock and you’re finishing up the work day. You have one hour of free time in the evening and you are planning on going to the gym when you realize that you don’t have a workout planned for your gym time. So instead of leaving straight for the gym from work, you have to sit down and try to think of a workout or find a free one online. After 20 minutes of doing that, your motivation has dropped, your free time is dwindling away, and so you decide that you’ll just go to the gym tomorrow.

Or this example:

You have to get up early to go to the gym, but when you wake up you realize you don’t have a workout planned. Your bed is comfy, you’re tired, and it’s super easy and tempting to say “I’ll go to the gym tomorrow”. So you do just that and roll back over and go to sleep.

Or this one:

You go to the gym without a planned workout thinking that you’ll just wing it. You get to the gym, walk around, use a couple of machines, jog on the treadmill or ride the bike, and before you know it an hour has passed and you haven’t really done anything.

We don't have time for that.

Our Mezzo Strength programming gives you everything you need to work towards your health and fitness goals (no extra brain power required). Within each month of training, you get:

  • A structured program

  • Benchmark goals

  • An app to track your progress

  • Exercise demo videos

  • Access to unlimited coaching feedback

  • Community support

  • Accountability

  • Nutrition resources

  • Scales and progressions for exercises that you can't yet do or don't have equipment for

Want results from your training? Invest in good training.


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