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Performance Goals Mezzo Strength Performance Goals Mezzo Strength

Why Strength Training?

The reasons that strength is so important are simple and there are a lot of them. Stronger people,

  • Live longer

  • Are more likely to retain autonomy as they age

  • Have less incidence of preventable diseases like cardiovascular disease,

  • Have and retain more bone density and are therefore less likely to sustain significant injuries like broken bones from an accidental fall

  • Have stronger tendons and ligaments and are therefore less likely to sprain a joint or tear a ligament just from living life

  • Fit and strong people are less likely to die of cancer as they age

I could keep going but the easiest way to encompass all of these points was stated by Mark Rippetoe who said “Stronger people are harder to kill than weak people and are more useful in general”

Now that it has been established that strength training is good for your health, let's talk about what you really mean when you ask “why is strength so important?”. Being healthy is great and all but wanting to change the way that we look is what encourages many people to start training in the first place.

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Nutrition Mezzo Strength Nutrition Mezzo Strength

Fueling for Aesthetic Goals

If your goals are geared towards changing your body weight, body shape, or body composition, your focus should be on eating in a calorie deficit.

Most people want to change their diet in order to work towards specific aesthetic goals. If you want to hit a certain weight goal, reach a lower body fat percentage, or fit in a new size of jeans, being in a calorie deficit is without a doubt the most important factor at play.

CALORIE DEFICIT = eating fewer calories than you burn through daily activity

People often achieve these physical changes because they have cut out certain foods from their diet (no sugar, no fast food, no soda) or have added in more movement to their day (hitting a daily step goal, starting to lift weights or run). Without knowing it, they have created a calorie deficit by eating fewer calories and burning more calories through activity. And while a calorie deficit can be achieved without counting your calories or macronutrients, tracking your intake ensures that you are consistently eating the right amount of the right things so that you can optimize your aesthetic changes.

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